
Now that my money situation is not as bad, I’ve gone and spent almost fifty dollars on these two things. Both, I’m excited for.

The first is an 8-cup “unbreakable” French press. This thing is cheap, but it’s pretty heavy-duty and apparently lasts very long. It also acts as a microwaveable cup so you can reheat your coffee hassle-free. My current French press is terribly-constructed and falling apart, so I’ll be happy to have something more reliable to use. This is worthwhile for me because I have French-pressed coffee two or three times per day.

I also bought The Seventh Seal Criterion Collection Blu-Ray. Those of you who know enough about me are aware that I LOVE The Seventh Seal, and that it’s my favorite-shot black-and-white film ever. I’ve heard good things about the restoration and can’t wait to see the film in high-definition.

A totally different subject: I’ve been noticing more the angles at which people position their bodies, including myself. I think it’s pretty interesting to determine body language; I, unfortunately, am bad at doing so. I’m even worse at reading people’s facial expressions. Call me clueless!

Off work today, my sister is coming in to make me homemade mac and cheese, which can’t possibly be a bad thing, can it?

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